We’re kicking off 2022 with a good cause, Veganuary. Raising awareness on the impact food production has on our forests, rivers, oceans and of course creatures (big or small). The organisation, Veganuary, launched it’s pledge in 2014 with a mission to inspire and support people on their journey to changing their food choices and the way they consume goods. Their vision is simple, they want a vegan world in which animal farms and slaughterhouses become no more. They push for vegan products and menus to drive up vegan food provision in shops and restaurants. But Veganuary doesn’t stop with just food consumption, it expands right into skincare and beauty. Meaning we all have our part to play, no matter what your industry or place in society. We’ve listed our top vegan products and how they can benefit your skin in 2022 – in honour of Veganuary.

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